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Gun Violence Devastates Florida High School

Judy Belk

(Feb. 15, 2018)

Not again!

On February 14, at a high school in Parkland, Florida, seventeen people—students and adults—lost their lives to gun violence. Fourteen people were wounded. Our hearts break as we offer our deepest condolences to the families and young people who suffered this tragedy.

Our nation is failing our students, our friends and our communities. A recent Washington Post analysis found that in the years since Columbine, more than 150,000 American children have lived through a school shooting. Just two weeks ago, there was a school shooting in Los Angeles. Before that, there was a school shooting in Rancho Tehama. It's an epidemic—gun violence is a public health crisis that threatens each and every one of us, wherever we live.

For 25 years, we have worked to raise awareness of violence as a public health issue. And, believe us, it's preventable.

We urge everyone to turn this feeling of speechlessness and despair into action, no matter how small, to help prevent future tragedies. Below is a list that includes community organizations like Advance Peace, who refuse to give in to despair, and who are working to implement solutions to reduce violence.Please learn about and reach out to organizations working on the front lines to build safe, healthy communities free of gun violence.

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