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Ending the Incarceration of Girls Is Well Within Reach in California

Photo credit: YWFC’> Photo credit: YWFC   Cal Wellness is proud to partner with Young Women’s Freedom Center and Vera Institute of Justice in their…

July 1, 2024

Reimagining Wellness in California

In March, I celebrated eight years as part of the team at The California Wellness Foundation and six months on the job as…

May 20, 2024

Latino Community Leaders Unite, Identify Ways to Enhance Safety from Firearms

(Photo credit: ALAS Media)’> Participants gather on the final day of the National Latino Leadership Convening. (Photo credit: ALAS Media) As part of Cal Wellness’…

April 24, 2024

5 Questions with Board Member Arnold Perkins

  Arnold X.C. Perkins is more than just a Cal Wellness board member, he is a gift to us all – a respected community leader,…

February 29, 2024

Eyes on Equity: Carrying 2023 Wins into the Year Ahead

Looking back on 2023, I find myself thinking about the issues that defined the political landscape and impacted the California communities we serve, such as…

December 11, 2023

Food Sovereignty: A Response to Food Apartheid

Growing Roots founder Julieta Munoz guides a vegetable bed workshop.   Living in a place like California, many of us have heard the term food…

November 10, 2023

Introducing Richard Tate, President & CEO

We’re excited to introduce you to Richard Tate, our new president and CEO as of September 1, 2023. For the past seven years, Richard has…

September 1, 2023

Funders Can Do More: 5 Next Best Practices

  This article originally appeared on July 11, 2023 on The Center for Effective Philanthropy’s website. In their recent report, …

July 12, 2023

Brown Issues Is Cultivating the Next Generation of Brown Leaders

Brown Issues.’> Brown Issues develops innovative, culturally relevant campaigns to politicize the Brown community. Photo by Brown Issues. Brown Issues is a statewide…

May 9, 2023

Gang Experts Trained by Our Grantee Are Changing the Juvenile Justice System from Within

The graduates of the Independent Forensic Gang Expert College are helping balance the scales of justice. Photo: Loyola Marymount University The California Street Terrorism Enforcement…

May 3, 2023
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